Job hunting for the 30-something

The fun part was over, showing the sad little man the door, even if i was the one who went through it.

Now the funner part of getting a new job is all over my brain. I am not afraid of plunging headfirst into the market, even if a few stumbling blocks surfaced to my head as i spent the last few nights thinking about my options.

What options???

1. First, i might have a stellar resume, but i do also have mounds of experience. I write at least five previous jobs and as many previous positions. While that may be a boon for most, some narrow-minded HRs may be wary and red flag my application by saying "he bounces around jobs too much."

This is a classic argument. On one hand, it's like the NBA journeyman. He has the skills and the touch, but he always seems to float around teams, being signed at the last moment.

On the other, i have a "wealth of experience." It's something you can't get stuck in one office for 5 or more years. The reality is out there, and i'm exposed to it like hay fever on May.

2. I'm carrying a big cargo in age and experience. Given the choice though, I'd always rather be overqualified than under. This is what negotiations are for. But you can never bargain if you're undersold.

3. They can't afford me. Now this is tricky. I used to get a high deal. And the company i worked for made sure that i earn every single centavo. Now, i might be offered less work (hell, way way less if i stick with a real corporate-cultured IT company), and the compensation might be lesser. I wouldn't mind if i can still work outside and continue to keep in touch with my contacts, all of whom kinda appreciate what help i can provide.

The market is out there. Let's just hope i don't get impatient (like i did with sad little man) and keep my options open.

If only i could get paid for continuing this blog...


Kai said…
That's a thing of the past, the "he bounces around too much" kind of thing, at least for private companies (so you know why I don't bounce around that much, if at all). I heard it's given a premium nowadays. The reason is you would want to jump ship for career advancement, and that agressiveness is appreciated, even here in this country.

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