O Frabjous Day...

hurray! my PC has been resurrected from the dead.

“And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”
He chortled in his joy.
- Lewis Carroll, "Jabberwocky"

i can never thank rene and nel enough for this. Rene is a genius, putting back my PC after i blew it apart trying to find what's wrong. He was able to isolate the problem -- which would cost me around P4,500 bucks. This guy is amazing - he can troubleshoot a PC over the phone and tell me what to do and what to look for. And all for the cost of 4 bottles of Red Horse and an old Gilbey's Gin i stowed away from a previous adventure.

Of course, Nel played an equally important role. She approved my plea for help, opened up the skies, and coughed up the dough so i can have a new 17" monitor. and now i can blog without straining my eyes...

the better part, having fixed my "image" problem, the missing RAM (which i mentioned a few blogs ago) resurfaced, and none the worse. Even the iPod shuffle i was vexingly trying to update cooperated so im now listening to "Crossroads" by BTaH and "Hot in Here" by Nelly.

Those who know me will probably wonder the choice of songs, but who cares? This is iPod shuffle.

Pretty interesting day. Everything that i wanted to work out did.

Salud and kudos, Cybernal! Thanks, Nyawsie!


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