FWD: 10 Random Weird Facts About Me

i just got tagged by Kai, who despite her no-nonsense approach to food, and her straight-shooting ways, occasionally dabbles with forwarded messages. For the love of God, why? Examples include a warning that Coke can erode your teeth and that plastics in microwaves are cancerous, so i guess it only proves that nobody's perfect.

Anyway, i was a bit surprised with this topic, mainly because i definitely have more than 10 quirks. Plus, i don't do much blog-hopping, so it's a problem for me to tag someone else.

On a side note, any email message that starts with FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: This is funny!! might really be funny, but not worth the number of FWDs you see.

Anyway, here's my list:

As homage to Kai, i'll put a food-related entry as number one:

1. I cannot put any condiment on my main plate, unless it's mixed with the rice or food i'm eating.
You know the usual routine where you put ketchup or soy sauce on the upper left or upper right side of your plate for convenience? I can't stand it.

The even weirder part of this is neither can my parents and siblings. For some strange reason, we all use saucers.

2. When dining alone, i can't do so without having something to read.
It doesn't have to be Dickens or Ludlum or Tolkien. I just have to have my hands on something. So this is why i picked up the habit of reading food labels, condiment directions for use (The worcestershire sauce bottle is so funny) and ingredients, and recipes at the back of the label. In the absence of such, i used to pick a random volume of my 1983 Meritt's Student's Encyclopedia and read leisurely.

I got so good at this that i was able to memorize the ingredients of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup, SPAM, and Hunt's Pork and Beans. And i still memorize the chapter names of each volume of the encyclopedia like (1) A-Annapurna, (2) Ann Arbor - Basutoland, (3) Bat - Cairo, etc, a full decade after i last saw them.

Of course, i'll deny those now that i know better.

3. When traveling, i need to see where i'm going.
No curtains or blinds please. But im not claustrophobic. In jeepneys and FXs, i always insist on being seated in front.

Conversely, im happy when i drive. similarly, i have a good sense of direction, so i only need to cover a route once or twice before i have it down pat.

4. I have this uncanny ability to find a parking spot every time.
I don't know how, but the most number of minutes i have to wait is less than 5, and that happened about 2 or 3 times my entire driving life.

5. I can't stand to hear water dripping.
For no apparent reason, i feel compelled to go to the source of disturbance and turn it off. Even at stranger's houses and public restrooms. If i don't i can't concentrate on whatever it is i'm doing.

Unfortunately, whenever i try to remedy the situation in foreign territory, i wind up with doused hopes. I don't think anyone has seen or experienced, in the course of investigating a small, hardly discernible drip, more busted pipes and faucets than yours truly. And it follows that i (alternately my shirt or my shoes) often come out dripping wet.

6. I gave up a slot in BS Computer Science to take up AB English: Creative Writing at UP.
After doing so, this remarkable method of choosing your inner desire over logic and surety has always surfaced every now and then to haunt me.

7. I don't wear watches or any form of jewelry.
Im fine with baller bands, the occasional black leather choker, and my wedding ring. But only one at a time.

8. I have trouble pronouncing the word "Bartender."
I always come out with a straight "bartender" and not the commonly accepted "BAR-tender."

9. I often catch myself re-enacting past conversations at the most inappropriate time.
This includes when i'm taking public transportation, seated in the library or any reading room, and in common restrooms. And not all my conversations are nice and for public consumption.

Take for example: during high school, i was casually peeing when two seniors (i was a sophomore) were discussing their hair styles. One remarked to the other he has a nice new cut, and asked where did he get it. I was reminded suddenly of the tailor who lived at next street and then blurted out his name rather loudly: "Si Rusty." Needless to say, it didn't amuse the two seniors who though i was butting in. Good thing they were busy attending to nature's call so i was able to escape the restroom with my body parts intact. I still don't know why i remembered Mang Rusty all of a sudden.

10. My last is anticlimactic but food-related as well: I eat onion rings but won't touch the sauteed version.

All in all, this list doesn't help at all.

It just reinforces the fact that we are all unique, and it is our singular differences that make us weird in another culture.


Kai said…
Oh I stopped forwarding now, didn't you notice? As for #2, I do that, too, but because I become self-conscious when eating alone in public places.
It's not too late to be a computer whiz.

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