Party lines

I survived my first Christmas party at Escudo Corp. And it wasn't as bad as i expected.

Considering the amount of HP i had to expend to pull off my participation, it was pretty much enjoyable compared to the parties i've attended. I had to perform two numbers - one for the boys team and the other a traditional department rookies initiation dance number. Also made an impromptu AVP for the retiring folk plus help out as a member of the games and prizes committee.

There is a spirited rivalry every year between the boys and the girls on who can one-up the other during the Christmas party. The boys won last year in a controversy-marred showdown, and are hell-bent on retaining the title. The girls are still fuming mad over what they perceived as a robbery, and are equally hell-bent on winning one. Sparks even flew when some of the boys posted photos of last years dance-off with "The Thrill of Victory" captions for male photos and "The Agony of Defeat" for the women.

Considering these were mature adults im working with, and that they all exhibit proper office decorum and protocol 11 months of the year, why the brouhaha over a trivial dance competition where only half of the audience can see?

Jayson summed it all best: It's not the prize money. It's bragging rights for a whole year!"

Rookie that i am, who am i to argue. So i attended the first practice only to find out we were going to undulate to the tune of one the Masculados pop-soaked hits "Nakakabaliw." I was really hoping i would learn some new moves that i could take with me in case i visit one of Manila's famed bars and clubs, but here i was, gyrating to the tune that's more in line with StarFM. Oh well...Good thing the steps were easy enough even for yours truly who only knows how to dance the Oxtrot.

To my surprise, i was tagged at front along with the others who knew how to dance. Coach Allan (Caidic. you know, the basketball god) was on my left and when we stretch arms, he always manages to knock me on the head with his long wingspan. Coach gave us a very valuable tip during the last practice minutes before the party: it doesn't matter if we can't dance, just let your face do the expressing. We should convey the look we were having fun.

From afar, we heard that the girls were in a near state of panic and managed to conjure up a mixed production of ballroom maneuvers. The electricity in the air rivaled that of Pacquiao's last Vegas fight.

The girls were up first and they sashayed to the tune of the Pussycat Dolls' Sway. Complete with ballroom regalia, they all looked dignified doing their steps. Until the last part, where they staged a sudden deviation and performed the annoying Boom Ta Rat Ta Rat move.

As for us, we blew everybody away. Wearing shades, a ginebra white shirt, and jeans. we performed great, give or take a few drunk guys who got lost in the middle. Coach Allan stole the show by being very expressive, and the rest of us were all smiles as we danced. We managed to complete the routine without any major injuries to any of the performers.

The judges, who were mostly girls invited from other departments, found the boys more vibrant, and we ran away champion, 89-77. Pays to be not too serious i guess. Anyway, the boys whopped it up, and we got another year's worth of bragging rights.

The rookie number was a bit anticlimactic, as we newbies just had to look stupid while we danced a meaningless choreo. Along with the other rookie boys, I had to wear short shorts, knee-high red socks, red headbands, and an ill-fitting tank top while doing stupid things. I'm just glad that was over.

And i had fun. I managed to do my bit for the boys without fouling up, and we rookies made our mark and won't be asked to do another humiliating production number for the rest of careers at the department.

Even better, i won a DVD player during the raffle. Not bad for a first timer.

P.S. I'm tempted to post pictures, but my dignity wouldn't allow me to.


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