Bringing back the body

i was expecting a new twist to the Harry Potter series, but this one caught me completely off guard. The story was told mostly as is, although the pacing was furious, but it never dawned on me that we were sitting through a 2 1/2 hour movie.

anyway, it touched me that the book and the movie's treatment of Harry clutching Diggory's dead body after escaping You-Know-Who were the same, and that my reaction to both were similar.

"He told me to bring back his body." All thetime Harry was sobbing, and i was acting as if my contact lenses had leaked.

Unitentionally, Harry had caused the death of a noble adversary, but he had the wits and the conviction to honor his friend's wish by bringing him back at any cost. Can the same be true to any of you out there? Most of my friends would, but i know someone who would probably make up excuses instead and just be glad to get out know who.

the only damper to my movie experience was my boss calling and me not answering but honestly telling him i was in the theater. Knowing him, he would rant about it and have me put in the stockade tomorrow, looking for mistakes in my presentation and telling me that it's all because i decided to live my other life - the one away from work. The hell with the pressure and the deadlines. I did my work before i left the office anyway, and if he can't understand that, who's the lesser person?

I wanna buy harry's uniform for the Triwizard. Would look good on my still-slimming body.


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