the house always wins

i don't get it.

with all the things happening around me, events that catch me in a virtual maelstrom and lifting me to a writer's wet dream of existentialist experiences, i choose to devote this entry discussing a subject that is neither urgent nor

nel is pretty much caught up on grey's anatomy. i keep finding holes in the plots and comparing it to my newest boob tube bonanza.

House MD. Or House.

Going back, it was fun to realize, thanks to wikipedia (here's a tip: surfing the web isn't all porn, yahoo, espn, and where to download mp3s, there's a whole world of information out there and there's weboggle!) that House is a TV version of the adventures of my other favorite literary character: Sherlock Holmes.

System to get the right diagnosis - eliminate all the other symptoms. The one remaining, however improbable, has to be the right one.

Interpersonal relations? Both suck at socials, unless there is a pressing need to get something from someone.

Holmes - Heroin addict. House? Vicodin.

James Wilson? James Watson, MD - chronicler of all but 3 of Holmes' daring deeds.

SPOILER WARNING: It is also good to note that Holmes' nemesis was Professor Moriarty. House's assailant during season 2's ender? We discover later it was a guy named Moriarty.

As for Meredith Grey and her gang, i find them going through relationships a bit overboard, considering that they always tell themselves not to get involved. I understand, though, that crisis brings people together, and if you work 80 hours a week with the same people, you're bound to sleep with them eventually.

hello, people. I don't make friends with my MDs. I have a barkada who's now a doctor, but i honestly can't say i know him well enough.

Maybe i just don't warm up to Grey's Anatomy because the bomb squad captain got blown off and i kinda liked him.

I just like House better. Even if he can never be my friend. He'll probably rip me to shreds a few seconds after i meet him, and he'll expose my true intentions: that i want to talk to him for blog reasons.

Or maybe, in some dark, deep-seated corner of my mind, there lies the fact that i secretly compare myself to House. I hold a secret wish to be hated and admired at the same time. But unfortunately, i lack the one gene that insulates me from critics, and i tend to lose my grip when confronted with the dictum that says the majority should always win.

I can be a real asshole like House, just ask anybody who's ever admitted i'm (or was) their friend. But the similarities end there. I won't go the extra mile to prove my theories right, and i would stop being antagonistic as soon as i hear a sigh or a muffled miff.

I can't be House. but i guess i'll always try.


Camille said…
Don't be House. Too many "Houses" in the world already especially in your "circle". ;)

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