Here's to a thousand hits

i wanted to write a couple of entries, but somehow the spirit is willing but the fingers are fat and tired. must be from doing all that weboggle. it's seriously addicting, and trying to reach the top 10 is somewhat of an unending challenge.

try it yourself by visiting here.

anyway, the celebration of the 1000th hit to my blog is too good to pass up so here i am at 1 in the morning writing an entry. I know it's not much compared to hits from google or yahoo, but having my blog viewed a thousand times is more than an achievement for me.

it's been a crazy week at work with all the activities going on that i surprise myself for not being burned out yet. i do admit i'm having too much fun to derive some sense of fatigue out of it.

Muziklaban is over finally, and it was a blast for yours truly to have attended his first concert with a special all-access ID around his neck. That means i can eat all the food i want and go to all the restricted areas without some bouncer handling me by my shirt collar and throwing me back to the pit of the huddled masses.

the place was crazy, the bands were souped up, and i was pretty much emboldened by the red horse i've been drinking since 7 pm. I made a conscious effort to stop drinking and smoking by midnight as i have work to do, being asked to cover the event on cam for the rest of the company who would rather be somewhere else yet want to see what happened.

the crowd eerily resembled my high school fair, where everybody went black and goth. I was actually expecting some shirts with logos of the Cure or the Smiths, but i think the crowd is too young to appreciate them. Hell, they didn't even recognize the cover of Cemetery Gates when a competing band played it (my favorite to win it all). But somehow, i felt home with the Red horse faithful. I broke protocol a couple of times by sharing my beer with some of the audience members, as i felt that those up front wouldn't sacrifice their place by buying beer at the stalls farther down.

in between sets, was able to converse with a couple of big shots like Kevin Roy (Razorback), Reg Rubio (Greyhoundz) and even Monty of Mayonnaise. Even helped Reg by giving beer to those he took notice, as he was too famous to go down himself without being mobbed. Seriously understanding his plight, i was glad to give a helping hand.

With the rains preventing me from roaming the fields, i treated myself to an ultra front row view when Greyhoundz, Queso, Mayonnaise, and the finalists played and i wasn't prepared for the thrill. It was awesome, especially Reg who i expected to be good as usual, but not this great. I think i'll watch a few more greyhoundz after this.

also, this was my second time on speaking terms with the legendary Kevin Roy, and this guy is not just a great act, but a highly smart one as well. he made a great host, a great judge of talent, and a great color commentary. Pairing up with DJ dylan of NU107, Nika of MYX, Reg and Monty, they managed to keep the crowd wanting for more.

despite the heavy rains, the crowd stayed till the near end, and while i was safely huddled in the comfort of the covered stage, i had a great view of the annual party that is red horse. My favorite among the finals didn't win, but i was still impressed with them, and was happy for the eventual winners, which was the young but mature sounding hardboiledeggz. The rains had dampened most people's spirits after midnight, and i myself hoofed it at 2 am, but only after doing my duty and congratulating the Red Horse team of Affie, Ron, Miles, and Elaine of pulling off a feat short of a miracle. it was definitely a great Red Horse experience. Of course, i managed to put in some celebrity snapshots while at it for this anniversary blog edition.

yeah, pity i missed performances by Slapshock and Kamikazee and the other bands, but my job was done that night. i already have an overdose of fun that night and i wouldn't want to spoil it by actually overdosing on beer and cigarettes. Plus, there'll always be next time. Oktoberfest is just around the corner...

As Affie would always say: Rock on!


Camille said…
DYLAN IS NO LONGER WITH NU107!!!!!! Matagal na po. She transferred to K-LITE na then left din. Just getting the facts straight.
iceman said…
forgive this poor fool who lives by hearsay. noted.
karma said…
hi sir! ehehehe... ill tell black heaven someone was betting for them! matutuwa yung mga yun! ehhehehe... to a million hits sir!!!
iceman said…
hey karma,

don't get me wrong ok. i like black heaven, but HBE deservedly won the title.

thanks for dropping by.

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