
Showing posts from August, 2009

Mr. Fix-It

yep, sometimes being a jack-of-all-trades can be a good thing. while i'm more successful at taking things apart more than getting them back together on, i kinda like the feeling knowing that you can fix things even if you're not really trained to do so. some of the things i was able to repair on my own include my first Playstation One, a couple of my cellphones when they display basic problems, my computers (work and home), the wifi server, simple car trouble, etc. You get the picture. Not that i saved money by repairing things on my own. Like i mentioned, i often break more than i repair. It's just that nothing beats the feeling that you know what's wrong about something and have an inkling how to repair it. I tried my hand at the 21 inch TV set lounging idly for months now and took it apart. I saw the problem and i have the tools. Believe me, some people have a toolbox, i have a toolshed. No wonder visitors keep calling me a tool. Going back, i ripped the TV to its ba...


i've been looking tired the past few weeks owing to a killer schedule, a disoriented state of wakefulness, and a lot of mental anguish about the future involving intangible theories. If there's one thing i'm good at, it's advertising my state of mental being. And now that actual developments have surfaced, i had to look at myself in the mirror, as I realize that the worst thing i can do at times like these is to play the part of the clueless. Or indifferent. Or even tired. Looking back, i guess there are three explanations, all valid: - where i am abundant in terms of rationalization, i sorely lack in empathy - where i am abundant in terms of lucidity, i sorely lack in perspective - where i am abundant in terms of expression, i sorely lack in due selection Then after a budget meeting and before i had to rush back to my office to play host to a group of visitors, i had to rush home and take the very pregnant nel to the hospital and find out why she's having contracti...

The rains haven't stopped since
