First Day High

After a full six months of working by myself, here i am back in the land of the cubicles and charts.

and it was an interesting day.

first, the HR case officer was on leave, so i had to foot it the whole morning. My boss was going to show up after lunch after a month-long medical leave, so the next in line toured me inside. The central a/c was down and i was wearing long sleeves and a tie. Everybody i was introduced to suggested i should wear something more comfortable.

I spent the better part of the morning dressing up my boss's panel with welcome back strips of multicolored japanese paper. viewing the results, i sure hope that the guys grade effort and not the results.

then, i realized that lunch time was spent by the group converging on the area where my table was. it seemed that my table, along with the next table, was the lunch area, and i spent my first lunch sharing food with everybody else. A little cajoling prompted me to treat them to dessert of sweet corn ice cream and chips. they thanked me by writing my name on the do-gooders list for today.

I felt like the equivalent of a pre-school kid who took home a star on the first day. :)

after lunch, i spent the next hour watching the whole department flock to my newly-arrived boss, fresh from surgery and gamely answering inquiries. of course, my table was at the vortex of the discussion. it was okay, as i already read the last two annual reports four times each. In between, i learned about the badminton club and the bowling team. Now if only i can also join the basketball and billiards groups...

i thought there would be nothing for me to do, but there was. Joel, the senior guy, had a meeting with the Red Horse group, and it seemed he was helping out plan the next Music Festival band competition. I was asked to join in, and ended up interviewing three popular bands: Mayonnaise, urbandub, and Sunflower Day Camp. It was refreshing and made me rethink the local alternative scene. Especially since i'll be doing kamikaze, greyhoundz, slapshock and others the next few days.

I went home unaware of the time. For a first day, it was interesting enough to give me a high.


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