3 years of what miguel taught me

Owing to my natural lack of inclination to units of time, i have realized only lately that i have recently completed three (3) full years of service to what is locally meant as "the company."

Yep. While this may sound like a very shallow premise to a blog entry, i never really claimed any discernible depth the whole time i was blogging. This simply means that you better suppress your groan and keep reading. There is nothing good on TV on a typical saturday night.

Anyways, i thought it would be fun to do a list of some of the things i learned during my 1st three years stay here, grouped in lists of 3. Posts on a staggered basis.

The things i do to fall asleep.

List one: 3 things i learned while chained to the desk:

3. A great company can have really old furniture and get away with it. I can swear that some of the desks have chewing gum stuck in them, whose brands have been well extinct from the market twenty years or so. Does Tarzan gum ring a bell?

2. There are really instances where meetings are held so you can determine other meetings.

1. Nothing destroys your confidence and anxiety more than returning a phone call from a superior/contemporary and hearing the sweet voice recording telling you "the person you're calling is not available....."

More to follow.


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