wow... for the longest time i felt guilty about not writing in an entry, only to realize it has only been nine days since my last blog. I fell down to the flu last Monday and Tuesday, so it's only now that i got some free time. there's been a blaze of activity since i joined the escudo, and i spent the last few weeks in a blaze of meetings, getting to know the beer's top bosses and getting in with the flow. it helped a lot that my co-workers in the department were all intellectual and (to some extent) emotional peers -- a sharp contrast to the times when i had to play referee to cutthroat salespersons and subjugate myself to an egomaniac numbskull whose personal profit and ambition comes first. i won't go so far as to say that ego and ambition would not rear their ugly heads here, but at least the rules don't keep changing. My boss is very nice, very encouraging, and so far i haven't let her down in work. My teammates all have the support group mentality down pa...