Topics we can explore

Here are some proposed topics to give justification to the disk space used:

1. Music and my state of mind
2. If you love your job, why do you insist being paid every 15 days?
3. Jobs you would rather have than this.
4. The virtue of selfishness
5. Do writers have to be great readers?
6. All-time fantasy travel itinerary


Kai said…
I always associate Swing Out Sister's You On My Mind with travelling. It was playing when we were travelling around Baler. All the coconut trees passing by, and she was saying "searching for the perfect ending, that we'll never find...."
Kai said…
Are we taking each topic from top to bottom? Sorry I just started...
iceman said…
ironically, these are the same topics i blasted in my earlier blogs.

the order is irrelevant, as long as you can write a feature length commentary on any or all of the above.

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