Honestly, why do some people end their request with some asinine clincher such as: "Sige na. Pogi ka naman eh." I know it's supposed to be flattering at face value (especially if you aren't unattractive), but that statement poses a lot of unanswered questions: 1. Does that mean the asking party acknowledges he/she is unpretty, and thus his/her disadvantage requires more attractive people give in to their request? 2. Does that mean good looks beget compassion? 3. Are ugly people supposed to get what they want from better looking ones (I can imagine the sex implications on this one)? 4. Are the merits of the request secondary to appearance of the requester? 5. Aren't I supposed to be working instead of asking these questions? I guess I'll just leave it to this dude for the final word: "It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness." - Leo Tolstoy Epilogue: Wouldn't it be more exciting if we expand the concept use the same devic...