As of May, i remain hopeful that the local Adidas stores should be carrying anything that has the word "Kings" on it. As the official outfitter of the NBA, they have a number of team-specific goodies that i would snap up in a heartbeat. Since they have a large prsence here, i was hoping they'd carry a number of goods that featured my favorite team. I started asking around February, and so far, i snagged a single black shirt with a modest Kings logo at the center. the shirt's ok, but considering that the jerseys, sweatshirts, practice Ts, and tanks carry the more popular teams: dallas, chicago, boston, cleveland, the hated lakers, i feel alone in my devotion to Sacramento's baskteball club. Then came great news, i left my number at a few outlets so that they can contact me whenever a new shipment with Kings gear arrives. This particular friendly one from Megamall called the other night to excitedly inform me that he was able to get a Kings superstar collection shoe...