Buko Man and The Girl in Thongs
( Publisher's Note: i am already delirious with the thought of converting that suggestive title into a steamy novel, and visions of money bags coming from film rights and royalties are dancing around my head. Like the sleazy Pinoy director, i might even get to pick the cast...and in today's crisis, stars will do anything to get the lead role. Unfortunately, the contents of today's journal are nothing like what the title suggests.) Some things you take for granted. You do them without much thought. Getting up to go to work. Checking your wallet and your cell before locking the front door. And going around the car before you ride in it. Going from house to the office is a neverending decision on which way to go, yet you always take the common sensical approach and still drive down the usual route. This is the curious case of how i see my day will shape up. The presence of two omens are my daily oracle, and i have no idea when or how it started. Commercial Rant Let me rant ab...