Notes at the airport
While my trip to Cebu was the more exciting part of last month's adventures, it was the various notes i cribbed during countless hours at the airport that provided a couple of insights to life at the waiting lane. Here are some. Delays The word "delayed" strikes up a terror in your heart when uttered under two occasions: The first one is when your casual girlfriend uses the word to describe her state out of the blue and matter-of-fact. The second one is when you've made sure you got to the airport on time, checked in your luggage early, and then sat down all eager to board your plane and get the hell away from (or toward) your destination. To hear the word "delay" at the airport gives you an inexplicable sense of sadness and disappointment. Through no fault of your own, your travel time is significantly bumped up in minutes or hours. And you earn extra time pondering if taking this flight was a good idea after all. I guess that's the reason: delays give ...